Bruce Lee, Tony Jaa and Tigers

I am a yoga princess who loves the nature. I get energy from the trees and my heart flutters when I see animals. For a long time, I had allergy and was not able to come near to animals with fur without having severe breathing issues and hives and red eyes. After I practiced pranayama and meditation and yoga, I believe my allergy is gone. I am now able to be close to animals. I am so thankful to that blessing. When I was a young girl, I had dolls but I never played with them, I always played with my teddy bears.

Animals are the greatest. They are so connected with nature and you hardly ever see animals pretending to be something they're not. I´m born in the year of the Tiger. I´m a fire-tiger. I love being a Tiger but it also makes me sad. People are so jealous of Tigers. Nowadays, everyone tries to be the queen of the jungle, thinking I CAN I CAN I CAN. When actually they should just be who they are. For instance, if you´re an ugly chick, be an ugly chick don´t put on fancy make up and clothes and TRY to be something you´re not and never will be... just plz... find something else to do with your life you wannabe. Not saying they can´t dress up when it´s their birthday or some special occasion, but I think most people are just trying to hard to be something they´re just not. You don't see a pig buying tiger skin and doing its make up to look like a tiger? Pigs are just fine the way they are. And I see a lot of non-Tigers pretending to be Tigers..and what do they do with the real tigers? Everyone is afraid of the Tiger and when they´re afraid, they seek to destroy.

I believe Tigers should be left alone and worshipped at a distance. I just read a wildlife sanctuary magazine about the tigers in India, well this year 2012 they´re planning on building 18 new railways THROUGH the tiger-jungles. I don´t know if you know but already there's a huge decline in wild tigers in India. 2 years ago they were only around 1200 left in the wild. And if the humans are planning on building 18 new railway tracks THROUGH their jungles, god forbid what will happen. You see, Tigers need a lot of jungle terrain otherwise they are not happy campers...they are in a sense, protectors of the forest. They need to be worshipped and people need to stay away from their homes. I don´t know when this cruel world will realize that TIGERS are irreplaceable... and trees well, I would never ever ever ever cut down a tree if I were queen of the world.

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