Fashion designers need to realize what the average soft-bodied woman looks like.

I used to be brainwashed by fashion and hound-shop every store in search of the new-me, and became recognized for my wardrobe and my originality and tastefulness..I thank being born in the year of the tiger for that, we are just BORN fashionable...I even wanted to become a designer myself, but now I´ve also come to see-through the fashion industry, having been in Japan and India I now know where everything is manufactured...child slaves ring a bell anyone? So I´ve become more grown up now and I thank yoga for that. But I´m sad that young girls are such slaves to fashion. It makes me really sad to see a beautiful girl following the newest trends without realizing what her OWN personal best assets are. Most of the time, these girls haven´t got a clue of who they are, they just follow what´s in fashion. They always just want to wear the newest clothes, without thinking about how it represents them. In fact, most fashion designers are MEN and many of them are GAY MEN... and I´m afraid those people have even less of an idea what our young women´s best assets are. Let me tell you, many women of today´s age are soft-bodied with beautiful curves, many women are also over-weight with a gut, many women have small breasts, many women have big breasts, many women have large hips, many women have big feet, many women have et cetera... I think 1% of the women today look like they do in the magazines with the "perfect" body shape but so then WHY are all the latest fashion trends always designed for that 1%... ? Most young women want to dress in the newest fashions so why don´t you fashion designers look around yourselves, step out and see that women´s body-shape is so curvy and extraordinarily beautiful but the clothes you design is making them look out-of-shape. For quite some time now, in the west especially it´s been in "style" to look like a prostitute. And recently it´s just gotten worse, girls are wearing skin tight everything, see-through dresses and blouses, and drag queen heels and now the newest is to dye your hair in a random colour such as green or pink. And the young women keep up with the trends and step out of the house looking like SEX. I don´t want fashion designers to make young women look like this! Even my mom is a beautiful successful lady living in Manhattan and whenever she steps into a fashion store with gorgeous clothes they never have anything in her size. And my mother is FAR-FROM-BEING-FAT. I am so repulsed by this fashion society and how badly they have treated the women´s image. Women are graceful, powerful, beautiful, extraordinary creatures and they should be treated with more care and respect. I´m so sad by what you´ve made our women into! Women in the west deserve MORE than what you are designing! Think GODDESS EMPOWERMENT next time you design.

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