- Dote Up a Duckling (Fulci 1972)
- The Cat with the Amber Face (Bava 1974)
- Stiletto Cousins (Sergio Martino 1976)
- Wrong Night for a Scary Doll (Andrea Bianchi 1974)
- I Walked on a Piano (Feridinado Merighi 1972)
- Shaved Too Close at Midnight (Michele Soavi 1984)
- Kiss and Stab and Kiss Again (Flavio Labia 1973)
- Too Nude for a Noose (Renato Polselli 1974)
- The Stabbed Apart Thing Still Lives to Love (Benati 1975)
- The House of Screaming Nudity (Andrea Bianchi 1972)
- I Got Bloodstains on My Bloodstains (Maurizio Pradeux 1973)
- Bloody Nipples in a Dark Mirror (Fulci 1982)
- Ever Seen A Knife This Sharp? Go Ahead, Pick it Up. It’s Sharp, Right? (Lamberto Bava 1991)
- The Waxy Man (Stivaletti 1978)
- You Call That a Murder? (Argento 1983)
Fashion designers need to realize what the average soft-bodied woman looks like.
I used to be brainwashed by fashion and hound-shop every store in search of the new-me, and became recognized for my wardrobe and my originality and tastefulness..I thank being born in the year of the tiger for that, we are just BORN fashionable...I even wanted to become a designer myself, but now I´ve also come to see-through the fashion industry, having been in Japan and India I now know where everything is manufactured...child slaves ring a bell anyone? So I´ve become more grown up now and I thank yoga for that. But I´m sad that young girls are such slaves to fashion. It makes me really sad to see a beautiful girl following the newest trends without realizing what her OWN personal best assets are. Most of the time, these girls haven´t got a clue of who they are, they just follow what´s in fashion. They always just want to wear the newest clothes, without thinking about how it represents them. In fact, most fashion designers are MEN and many of them are GAY MEN... and I´m afraid those people have even less of an idea what our young women´s best assets are. Let me tell you, many women of today´s age are soft-bodied with beautiful curves, many women are also over-weight with a gut, many women have small breasts, many women have big breasts, many women have large hips, many women have big feet, many women have et cetera... I think 1% of the women today look like they do in the magazines with the "perfect" body shape but so then WHY are all the latest fashion trends always designed for that 1%... ? Most young women want to dress in the newest fashions so why don´t you fashion designers look around yourselves, step out and see that women´s body-shape is so curvy and extraordinarily beautiful but the clothes you design is making them look out-of-shape. For quite some time now, in the west especially it´s been in "style" to look like a prostitute. And recently it´s just gotten worse, girls are wearing skin tight everything, see-through dresses and blouses, and drag queen heels and now the newest is to dye your hair in a random colour such as green or pink. And the young women keep up with the trends and step out of the house looking like SEX. I don´t want fashion designers to make young women look like this! Even my mom is a beautiful successful lady living in Manhattan and whenever she steps into a fashion store with gorgeous clothes they never have anything in her size. And my mother is FAR-FROM-BEING-FAT. I am so repulsed by this fashion society and how badly they have treated the women´s image. Women are graceful, powerful, beautiful, extraordinary creatures and they should be treated with more care and respect. I´m so sad by what you´ve made our women into! Women in the west deserve MORE than what you are designing! Think GODDESS EMPOWERMENT next time you design.
Welcome to Depressionville.
I see you found your way here once again!
Have you any guesses
as to how much time you'll spend?
Please just sign the register
and we'll let the critics know you're here.
Remember, you should mumble words
and keep communications quite unclear.
I see you have some baggage;
actually, you've brought quite a lot!
But, of course, this is the place for it;
this is the perfect spot.
Oh! Guilt and fear are with you;
yes, of course, that's quite all right.
We wouldn't want you sleeping well;
that really ruins OUR nights.
There are things to eat at the sideboard;
just words and junk and pain.
All the things that you can't swallow now
will, of course, be served again.
Yes! Welcome to Depressionville!
We're all so glad you've come.
Let us know what we might do
to keep you feeling numb.
May your stay be long and bitter;
may your problems keep piling on.
May your tortured soul keep bleeding
until all your love is gone.
I see you found your way here once again!
Have you any guesses
as to how much time you'll spend?
Please just sign the register
and we'll let the critics know you're here.
Remember, you should mumble words
and keep communications quite unclear.
I see you have some baggage;
actually, you've brought quite a lot!
But, of course, this is the place for it;
this is the perfect spot.
Oh! Guilt and fear are with you;
yes, of course, that's quite all right.
We wouldn't want you sleeping well;
that really ruins OUR nights.
There are things to eat at the sideboard;
just words and junk and pain.
All the things that you can't swallow now
will, of course, be served again.
Yes! Welcome to Depressionville!
We're all so glad you've come.
Let us know what we might do
to keep you feeling numb.
May your stay be long and bitter;
may your problems keep piling on.
May your tortured soul keep bleeding
until all your love is gone.
The Two Bulls and the Frog

Two bulls engaged in shocking battle,
Both for a certain heifer´s sake,
And lordship over certain cattle,
A frog began to groan and quake.
"But what is this to you?"
Inquired another of the croaking crew.
"Why, sister, don´t you see,
The end of these big brutes will yield,
And then be exiled from the field?
No more permitted on the grass to feed,
He'll forage through our marsh, on rush and reed;
And while he eats or chews the cud,
Will trample on us in the mud.
Alas! to think how frogs must suffer
By means of this proud lady heifer!
This fear was not without good sense.
One bull was beat, and much to their expense;
For, quick retreating to their reedy bower,
He trod on twenty of them in an hour.
Of little folks it oft has been the fate
To suffer for the follies of the great.
Bruce Lee, Tony Jaa and Tigers

I am a yoga princess who loves the nature. I get energy from the trees and my heart flutters when I see animals. For a long time, I had allergy and was not able to come near to animals with fur without having severe breathing issues and hives and red eyes. After I practiced pranayama and meditation and yoga, I believe my allergy is gone. I am now able to be close to animals. I am so thankful to that blessing. When I was a young girl, I had dolls but I never played with them, I always played with my teddy bears.
Animals are the greatest. They are so connected with nature and you hardly ever see animals pretending to be something they're not. I´m born in the year of the Tiger. I´m a fire-tiger. I love being a Tiger but it also makes me sad. People are so jealous of Tigers. Nowadays, everyone tries to be the queen of the jungle, thinking I CAN I CAN I CAN. When actually they should just be who they are. For instance, if you´re an ugly chick, be an ugly chick don´t put on fancy make up and clothes and TRY to be something you´re not and never will be... just plz... find something else to do with your life you wannabe. Not saying they can´t dress up when it´s their birthday or some special occasion, but I think most people are just trying to hard to be something they´re just not. You don't see a pig buying tiger skin and doing its make up to look like a tiger? Pigs are just fine the way they are. And I see a lot of non-Tigers pretending to be Tigers..and what do they do with the real tigers? Everyone is afraid of the Tiger and when they´re afraid, they seek to destroy.
I believe Tigers should be left alone and worshipped at a distance. I just read a wildlife sanctuary magazine about the tigers in India, well this year 2012 they´re planning on building 18 new railways THROUGH the tiger-jungles. I don´t know if you know but already there's a huge decline in wild tigers in India. 2 years ago they were only around 1200 left in the wild. And if the humans are planning on building 18 new railway tracks THROUGH their jungles, god forbid what will happen. You see, Tigers need a lot of jungle terrain otherwise they are not happy campers...they are in a sense, protectors of the forest. They need to be worshipped and people need to stay away from their homes. I don´t know when this cruel world will realize that TIGERS are irreplaceable... and trees well, I would never ever ever ever cut down a tree if I were queen of the world.
I could just fantasize all day

These creatures are in the deep abyss of my mind, my heart, and I know that they´re out there somewhere, hiding...
I believe in dragons and unicorns. I believe in spirits, elves and ghosts. I believe in trees, flowers, mountains. I believe in the Sun and the Moon. I believe in Jesus, Buddha, Allah, Shiva, Krishna, etc. But most of all I believe in God. One God for ALL.
I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
John Lennon
A dog named Willie Nelson

I watched a movie yesterday about a young man who had nothing but compassion for the whole world. His family called him an idiot. His girlfriend dumped him for another and kept the dog, Willie Nelson. The guy was so nice that he even sold weed to a policeman in uniform because he just believed the cop to be telling him the truth. The poor man had to go to jail twice in the movie but all is well that ends well. He ended up working as a candle-maker and got the dog back. Willie Nelson then runs away to a park where he meets another dog-bitch, guess what her name was? Dolly Parton! True love eh?
Anyway, I feel a lot like that idiot brother sometimes. I´ve always believed the best in people and try not to judge anyone. But as soon as I hear or see something that I disagree with I will not be kind to them. But overall I´d say I´m very compassionate to all human beings. I´ve been exceptionally nice to bums, rejects and misfits because I never cared what anybody else thinks. In the end, I had pretty bad company just because I was too nice. Thank God, I didn´t end up in jail or anything like that. But now I've gotten away from the worst company and have been pretty much doing my own thing, travelling and discovering myself. :))))) I'll make a wish today, seeing as it´s my birthday. I wish to meet other great people on my journey in life who are also compassionate and full of love for everyone on this planet.

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